Inbrela Collapsible Umbrella
For those of you who happen to stay in an area where there is plenty of rain throughout the year, it goes without saying that you ought to always have an umbrella handy somewhere – in your car, at the office and at home. Just in case, you know. With global warming happening, the weather sure gets crazy this time around. Unfortunately, wet umbrellas can be a pain to store especially when indoors, which is why the Inbrela Collapsible Umbrella could come in handy. This umbrella will be able to fold into the tube itself – making your car stay nice and dry, while making it a snap to get in and out of cars with but a simply push. When pushed open, the Inbrela will pop out of its tube and opens away from your face. Pull it back into the tube to close for dry surroundings. Don’t worry about its sturdiness – it is made out of flexible aluminum ribs that will not snap even in the wind. The Inbrela Collapsible Umbrella will retail for $29.99 each.
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