The Rotobotmouse!
Everyone has their own personal spin on what a steampunk mouse should look like. Which is just fine by me. It’s definitely better than staring at the same old ideas all of the time. Where most steampunk gadgets look extremely old, more of the 1920’s range, this one almost looks like it belongs in the 50’s. Although it might not appeal to some steampunk enthusiasts, if you’re looking for something different this is it.
The most surprising part of this mouse is that it’s actually available to be purchased. Usually all you just get the joy of drooling over several pictures. This time you have a shot to pick one up. Sadly though it definitely comes with a steampunk price tag. The odd coil on the side of the mouse is where you slip your pinky through. Then you can pretty much guess how the rest of the buttons work. Don’t worry, it is an optical mouse. You can purchase it for $300 through Makers Market.
Source: Gizmodiva
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